jeudi 21 juin 2012

Périples : Catch up, catch up !

So here's a little post to catch up on some things I did in Granada. Well, actually not really, just some nice streetstyle-ish pictures of my friends !

Riccardo, who's mind is still stuck in the last century, but in a cute way. It's always to see him dressed up like pirate... or a farmer. Whichever !

When Rita dressed like that... I felt as if I was in a Tumblr world... Like I was actually INSIDE tumblr... Some sort of Pleasantville-like remake but... with Tumblr. I just had to take a picture.

Shorts : Topshop
Shirt: ?  
Shoes: Vans

Victoria, that cutie pie, always the best dressed... never willing to pose for the camera. That's basically the only picture I could get out of her. When clearly, all her outfits were as pretty (or maybe even better) than this pastel-floral-chiffon combination. And I am actually in love with these glasses !

Glasses: H and M
Camera : Diana
Bag : Zara
Shirt : Zara
Shorts : H and M

By the way, I've entered Cocoskies' giveaway... you should really check it out !

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