Before we start... I have a confession... well not really a confession, if you're smart you probably noticed already. I WASN'T THERE. So most of the groups I don't even know about but I did see the program once so i'll probably remember 1 name or 2.
Now, you can enjoy !
So... Of course, I don't know the name of this group but I believe it was something similar to "Mille et une nuits" or something... I just really the creativity and courage it took the girl in the middle to walk down in a bra in front of parents, teacher and students... So props for that. I don't why but for some reason I am quite in love with that elephant dress I just think it's really funny and well done !
Ah-ha! That one I know ! My amazing friend Eloise was in that group. They are "Suits". They all had suits but with a little twist. I really think they did a great job and didn't take themselves too seriously. Both in their clothes and choreography, they knew how to all this with humour. They just make me envy them so much, I wish I had been there just to have seen them have fun on stage. When I first saw Xenia's suit, (in the middle) I would never have thought that they would have a fun show like this ! It's basically a classic shirt with a spider web cutout on the back and others on the sleeves. Max's suit is just hilarious, nothing else to say. And I love the sheer details and all that patchworking on Eloise's suit (left). Plus...the little tatoos they had on their feet are just adorable !
This one is "Life in Technicolor". I remember seeing the name on the program and wondering who they were. I really liked those dresses that are more like wearable dresses. I don't mean I would wear that anyway but they are closer to the "wearability" standards of some brands' catwalks. I think my favourite dresses are the gold and yellow ones just because they're short and well... I'm too short for anything longer than that !
What I really appreciate about this group as a whole, is that they kept the designs continuous and obviously related. The same pattern is repeated more or less on the dresses and it just looks more like a "collection" rather than just a bunch of dress-up characters put together on stage.
The group "Gods fun and games" was quite surprising, I must say. I didn't really see the relation until I heard Maia (middle girl) talk about elements and fire and all that. Now it all seems clearer but still... what are the statues doing here ? I still think the dresses were quite well made although I don't think there was a lot of making/sewing. However, I didn't find a picture of JC who, I think, was supposed to be like supreme god with his face painted gold and wearing a big roman robe. T
And I present you my lovely little "Kids" ! I was so disappointed not to see them on stage... I already knew the dresses obviously since I helped for Clara's (candy) and had seen Julia's before (scoubidou) and of course, had seen all of them together backstage. I know Julia was worried that her dress wouldn't stand out as much as the others as they really had statement dresses. But I really like the vintage feel of the thick white fabric and the scoubidous hanging like a 30's flapper dress. As for the other ones, they really were all unique and sweet. I was really surprised to discover Muriel's (cards) and I was in awe when I saw those giant cards used as a skirt. That was really smart, so props for that ! Natasha's (crayons) was in the same spirit with those big colouring papers on her dress. It's really too bad you can't see Helen's, I'll try to find a good picture of it for you. It's basically a maxi dress with clusters of legos... She looked gorgeous in that dress.
That's really embarrassing... I have absolutely no idea what those are from and I don't even know if they're from the same group... but I have to say, if I get my hands on those shorts the ... ravioli girl (let's just call her that, her top looks too much like a korean ravioli) was wearing, I am not letting go !
The "Beauty and the beast" ! Those were amazing dresses, I mean, you can see how much effort and work they put it those dresses. I particularly like the twins's dresses (far left and far right) for some reason. Julia's rose dress is an obvious choice, she looks like such a princess in that dress but I also love Margot's I think her dress falls really nicely and fits her... like a glove ! To see Eleonore's impressive gold dress, scroll all the way down, you'll see a picture of the group. She's the one in the middle.
I really couldn't be less sure of their name but I'll have a guess... "roots"? or "evolution" ? No, I don't think they were evolution... Anyway, I really enjoy discovering those ! I mean the baby dress is Gaga-esque, I'm speechless. As for the transparent-flowery dress, I think it's absolutely brilliant ! So great work anonymous group !
Those "Wedding" dress are impressive ! I hate to say I have a favourite... but I just have to. Esther, your 'natural' gown is wonderful ! And green really compliments you so I expect you to be wearing this on your wedding day ! Well... maybe not but I still love it !

The lace detailing and the immaculate white are really good choices as well.
Alrighty... well I have no idea hat this group is but I'm guessing it's something about war... Yes, yes even you could see that I don't need to tell you. But Really great outfits, girls ! Ripped fabric, messy tulle, splatters and bullets... Everything's there, nothing to add. Perfect catlwalk !

"Alice in Wonderland" ! Not only are the dresses very cool and the Mad Hatter absolutely hilarious, but THEY USED A REMIX OF ALICE BY POGO. So there, nothing to add. The music is the detail that won me over.
"New York New York" ? Is that the name of the group ? Well does it really matter anyway ? No, it really doesn't every single dress from the building to the yellow cab is remarkable. Really well though of and I would totally wear that Statue of Liberty frock ! Again, I have to say I have a favourite. That witty taxi cab dress is just dreamy. Too bad yellow doesn't compliment my oh-so yellow face...
4 Seasons ! The obvious theme actually impressed me. When I read that name on the programme, I just really thought it was such a common, dull theme it couldn't be good. Well, I was wrong ! Well done girls for these fiery gowns !

Little bonus pictures that represent the bubbly atmosphere at the catwalk... Really wish I was there !
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